
Austin Noble Political Scientist and Regular Service Volunteer

Birmingham, AL Austin Noble - LinkedIn Profile Resume.doc
CampaigningCanvassingComputersDatabasesGeneral Yard WorkImmigration Law ExperienceLogistics and PlanningOrganizationScheduling

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(For a much more thorough description of my experiences, please see the uploaded resume)


University of Montevallo, Montevallo, AL                                                              Graduation: May 2017
-Bachelor of Science in Political Science

-Cumulative GPA: 3.75

Professional Experience
-Camp Counselor at the Pelham Young Men’s Christian Association Day Camp, May to August 2016

-Legal Intern at Hammond Young Immigration Law, LLC, June to August 2015



Leadership Experience

-President of the University of Montevallo College Democrats, August 2016 to Present

-Recording Secretary of the Mu Phi Chapter of Phi Gamma Delta, December 2015 to November 2016

-Senator of the Student Government Association of the University of Montevallo, April 2016 to Present


Grad: May 2017 BA in Political Science at University of Montevallo

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